
The cognitive behavioural therapist will be a key member of the multidisciplinary Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Team. You will complete Mental Health Assessments of young people following episodes of self-harm, follow up sessions after discharge from the ward identify risk coordinate appropriate support available and ensure up to date written care plans are in place.

The post-holder will be a key member of the multidisciplinary Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team. This involves assessing accepting and prioritising referrals to the service, in line with the local CAMHS’ Operational Policy.



1. To formulate and implement appropriate cognitive behavioural treatment programmes and other evidence based interventions for a wide range of disorder commonly referred to the service.

2. To provide specialist assessment and therapy service for children, young people and/or parents carers.

3. To provide specialist assessment, individual and group therapy to this client group.

4. Involve carers and / or family members in therapy as appropriate and recommended in protocols.

5. Formulate and implement appropriate interventions for clients considered suitable for cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy.

6. To undertake risk screening assessment of all clients; to manage low-level risk and make appropriate referrals to specialist services where significant risk is identified.

7. To liaise and communicate both verbally and in writing with referrers and others concerned with the care of clients.

8. Evaluate and review therapy at appropriately frequent intervals.

9. Discharge clients upon completion of therapy in line with CBT protocols and follow-up where appropriate.

10. Responsible for providing clinical advice and support to health service staff and staff in other agencies. Contribute to (sometimes organising and leading) multi-disciplinary meetings in complex cases when acting as either therapist or consultant to team.

11. Ensure ethical and legal standards in treatment programmes are maintained, including client confidentiality.

12. Make recommendations to refer clients to other specialist services.

Teaching, Training & Supervision:

1. To receive regular clinical supervision from an appropriate senior practitioner in accordance with the Trust Supervision policy.

2. To provide supervision to trainees and other qualified staff as appropriate and agreed and to be involved in the co-ordination and management of this service as required.

3. To provide teaching / training as required and internal CPD events as appropriate.

Management, recruitment, policy and service development

1. To contribute to waiting list management.

2. To develop Services in collaboration with Service Lead.

3. To be involved in policy/protocol development.

Research and service evaluation

1. To utilise theory, evidence-based literature and research to support evidence based practice.

2. To undertake as appropriate audit/evaluation/research and provide advice to other staff undertaking effective practice studies.

3. To undertake project management, including complex audit and service evaluation, with colleagues within the service to help develop service provision.

Professional / Administrative

1. To ensure the development maintenance and dissemination of the highest professional standards of practice, through active participation in internal and external CPD training and development programmes, in consultation with the post holder’s professional and service manager(s).

2. To contribute to the development and articulation of best practice in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy across the service, taking part in regular professional supervision and appraisal and maintaining an active engagement with current evidence-based developments in the field of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and related disciplines.

3. To maintain the highest standards of clinical record keeping including electronic data entry and recording, report writing and the responsible exercise of professional self-governance in accordance with professional codes of practice of the BABCP and Trust policies and procedures.

4. To maintain up to date knowledge of legislation, national and local policies and issues in relation to both the specific client group and mental health.

5. To work within the Code of Ethics and the relevant professional practice guidelines of the BABCP and the professional guidance framework of the Trust.

6. To participate fully in supporting the activities of the SSPWS within the Trust, including attending relevant meetings.



  • Relevant degree in nursing, social care of psychology
  • CBT certification, accredited by ABACP (British Assoc. of Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy)
  • Pre-qualification training and qualifications in research methodology, staff training and/or other fields of applied psychology.
  • Specialist training in Physical Health/Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Essential Desirable Method of Assessment
  • Experience of working as a qualified CBT over a minimum of 18 months.

Analytical and judgemental skills

  • Ability to teach and train others, using a variety of complex multi-media materials suitable for presentations within public, professional and academic settings.
  • Ability to identify and employ mechanisms of clinical governance as appropriate, to support and maintain clinical practice in the face of regular exposure to highly emotive material and challenging behaviour.
  • Able to adjust clinical practice to respond to the diversity of service users.
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